Bethlehem Injury Lawyers
Call Us Now: 610.866.0198
September 4, 2019 Posted in Articles Tagged in Personal Injury Share
Whether it is a Bethlehem Car Accident, Truck Accident, and/or Motorcycle Accident one of the first things that needs to be determined is whether or not the driver, at-fault, has insurance coverage. Unfortunately, many times in Lehigh Valley Car Accidents the at-fault driver may not have insurance coverage or they may insufficient insurance coverage. This is why you have the option to select UIM (underinsured motorist coverage) or UM (uninsured motorist coverage) in your own auto insurance policy. To find out if you have selected these option you may want to consult with a Bethlehem Car Accident Lawyer about.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage, as its name may suggest, provides coverage for a Bethlehem individual who is injured in a car accident by another vehicle, which did not maintain insurance coverage. Under-insured Motorist Coverage provides coverage in a similar situation, but when the injured Allentown individual is struck by a car that does not have sufficient car insurance coverage, to provide the Allentown individual the treatment or the compensation they deserve. Both of these coverages arise from for either example the Bethlehem injured individual’s auto policy or the Allentown injured individual’s auto policy. Typically there is a four (4) year statute of limitation to bring a UM or a UIM claim for a Lehigh Valley car accident.
If you were involved in a Lehigh Valley Car Accident and you have questions about whether you are liable for a Bethlehem UM or UIM injury or have questions regarding an Allentown UM or UIM claim please contact a Bethlehem Personal Injury Lawyers at The Law Offices of Edward J. McKarski for a free consolation.
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