Bethlehem Injury Lawyers
Call Us Now: 610.866.0198
September 30, 2019 Posted in Articles Tagged in Personal Injury Share
When an individual is injured in a Bethlehem Work Accident, often times the injured individual may be entitled to Workers’ Compensation. However, Workers’ Compensation does not provide compensation for Pain and Suffering. That is why it is important you consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Bethlehem, Pa. at the Law Office of Edward J. McKarski.
A Worker injured in a Bethlehem Work Accident is often times precluded from bringing claims against their employer for the injury they have suffered. This preclusion is known as the Exclusive Remedy Provision. This provision limits an employee’s ability to assert a claim against their employer for injuries occurring at the workplace or occurring in the course and scope of employment. However, in order for the exclusive remedy provision to apply the employer must comply with the requirements in the Workers Compensation Act. It is also very important to see if a third party could be liable for the injury, which is why you should consult with a Bethlehem Personal Injury Lawyer.
If you were involved in a Work Injury in Bethlehem, Pa or a Bethlehem Work Accident and you have questions about whether you are liable for a Bethlehem work injury or have questions regarding a Bethlehem work accident please contact a Bethlehem Personal Injury Lawyers at The Law Offices of Edward J. McKarski for a free consolation.
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